I simply can’t believe that I have been a mom for 7 months! Those first few months were just awful. No one mentions how hard it is when they do nothing but sleep, cry, eat, cry, cry and cry. FINALLY we are past that- scratch that- HALLELUJAH we are past that! Having a colicky newborn is something I never want to do again! I have a neighbor whose daughter just had a baby. She told me about a phone call she received from her son-in-law a few days ago. He said to her “Mom, we had a fight and she told me that she just didn’t like me very much right now…is it bad that I feel the same way?” I just laughed and laughed when she told me that. I certainly understand that! No sleep, hormones, and a new workload wreak initial havoc on your relationship. Luckily, I was able to remind her that it does pass! I love my hubby now more than ever seeing him be such a great dad. Having said all of that, now we can get to the fun stuff…the second stage of babyhood…when they crawl and talk and eat food!!!!!
Pres has been crawling now for about three weeks. He has it down and is super fast! He makes sweeping an Olympic sport for me. I could win a medal for how fast I go in order to keep him from playing in my dirt pile! The cats are horrified at this new development. He’s rocked their worlds again and again. Just when they were getting used to him being there, he had to go and become mobile. He chases them all around the house. His favorite part seems to be cornering Weezy by the front door and then squealing at her. I love it, it keeps him entertained long enough for me to clean the kitchen!
Now that he has mastered crawling his next challenge seems to be trying to stand up. He pulls himself up on whatever he can-my leg, coffee table, toys and crib. We’ve had to lower the bed again b/c I was afraid he’d pull himself up and over onto the floor! This has lead to lots of falling and bumping of the head. A slow day is when he only has one red mark somewhere on his head! On a busy day, he could have two red cheeks and one on the back of his head. No serious bumps yet (thank God!). Poor thing doesn’t have any carpet to land on gently!
He is blabbering non-stop. He also has learned how to stick out his tongue and makes noises. This is really cute until it’s feeding time, and I end up with spinach in my hair (eeeewwwwwww!). No words yet- he’ll say mama and dada, but not directed at us. Pete and I think his first word will be kitty. If you ask him where the kitty is, he’ll go and hunt down the cats.
Not much else going on. Pete is doing his reserve time for the year right now. After that, who knows! Exciting and scary at the same time! I have my hopes though! I’m having a blast just being “mommy”!

He was being so fussy, that I put the bow on my head to make him laugh! It worked, but he wanted me to put it on his head next. This went back and forth like that for almost 30 minutes!

He gives his reflection kisses! I started that by kissing the baby in the mirror, and now I've created a monster! He'll kiss his reflection in any surface where he can see it!!!!

That is his "I'm going to make a mess" face!