Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My birthday gift!

For the past three years any holiday I have been begging Pete for one particular gift. A new ring. I loved my poor soldier boy and would have married him if he had given me a string to tie around my finger!!! For our second anniversary, he added a band to my claddagh ring that had two diamonds to signify our two years of marriage. The idea was to add one for each additional year we were married which is very romantic and sweet; unfortunately romantic isn't always practical and I didn't want an off center set of diamonds so we decided to wait until it was even. The next even year, we decided to go big on our anniversary with a shark dive and nice hotel and we both completely forgot about it. Then came Preston and our next anniversary after that, all we could manage with a two week old was dinner out. Needless to say, this wonderful idea on Pete's part, didn't pan out as he would have hoped. I certainly don't help matters as I have not one romantic bone in my whole body! I share this with you for two reasons:

1. so Pete gets credit for his original idea
2. so Pete gets credit for his even better follow up!

Year after year, holidays come and no ring. I even had picked the one out I wanted and it managed somehow (no idea!) to always be in our favorites on our computer! Pete said that he didn't want me to just pick it out and then get it. "There's no romance or surprise in that" he kept telling me. "I don't need the surprise or romance" was always my response to him (told ya not even a smidge or romance in me). Lo and behold this year he took me shopping for my birthday. I assumed that my gift would be some new clothes and lunch out (which is actually my idea of a a fun day). That night we had my parents over for dinner and gifts with them (awesome gifts from the rents BTW)and I realized Pete hadn't given me a card yet at this point. Since he always does, I asked for it. I was told I had to wait until it was just he and I. this juncture in the evening, something smelled fishy! I then remembered that a few weeks back he had asked my ring size. I couldn't wait for dinner to be over and to get my card. We wrapped up dinner with my parents and then I did a jig until he finally gave it to me. Inside was a really funny card and print outs of different variations of the ring I wanted. He told me to pick one and that was my gift!!!!!!! Whoo-hoo! This is was I picked...

For those of you who know me, diamonds are just not my thing. I love gemstones. This was the perfect gift! Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOO much my wonderful hubby for always keeping me on my toes and being my romatic man!!!! Now that I have offically probably overshared and embarrassed Pete, I will end this post!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Bronchitis and a birthday...

So...I am finally feeling better and have fully recovered. Last week I came down with a nasty case of bronchitis. I seem to get it once a year. This year, I recognized the signs early and went as soon as I could to get some antibiotics. As seems to be my luck, me getting sick came at the exact same time Pete would be gone. My poor hubby had to leave with me bending over the toilet having a violent reaction to my super strong antibiotics! That's a good-bye he certainly won't forget for a while!!!! Luckily for me, Pres seemed quite content hanging out on the bathroom floor. We spent almost all of last Saturday there.

Motherhood continues to bring me some of the most ridiculous moments. Never in a million years would vomiting be a funny situation for me, but add in a seven month old who is sucking on a hair brush and trying to stand up on the toilet I am bending over, and you definitely move in to the ridiculous category!!!!!

Below is a pic of me on Monday morning after Pete had come home. It was a ROUGH weekend, and I think my pale face (and Pete's old boxers) explains it more than I ever could!!!!

This weekend has gone much more smoothly! I am fully recovered (a couple of pounds lighter) and we had a great time hanging out at the mall shopping for my birthday! Pres is FINALLY over his hatred of the car, so these excursions are tons of fun. Pete had a blast while Pres flirted his way with every young sales associate as I was trying on clothes. I think I was cramping their style just a little bit! It's much easier to get your flirt on without your wife and mom there!!!!! Here's a shout out to the lonely men out there...get a baby with big blue eyes, and the women come by the dozens!!!! I had a great birthday so thank you my wonderful family!