Pete made the Thomas cake from scratch! He did the face with fondant! It was really amazing and I can't wait to see what he does next year.
There were a lot of kids, friends, food, and tons of fun. Preston has so many great little friends here and we had a great time playing with everyone. Preston received so many wonderful gifts! I have two people to say a big "thank you" to! First to the Davis clan that showed up early to help! I completely underestimated the time it took to get things done with a toddler and a newborn. If they hadn't shown up when they did, then nothing would have been ready! Thank you Jeanne Anne for keeping Ashlyn happy while I ran around cleaning and decorating and also thank you to Mark for finding that Thomas balloon!!!!! A second special thanks to Melissa for once again finding her way around my kitchen! Not only did she get the food ready for the kiddos, but she did dishes. I have wonderful friends!!!!!
Good Job Peter!! Thanks for posting the pics, I won't hound you anymore;)
Yeah! Pictures!!!! Glad you are back. Keep the updates going!
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