Whoo-hoo! After weeks of worrying about the adjustment that Preston would have when Pete came home, we have been pleasantly surprised. He welcomed Pete home with the sweetest smile and lots of giggles!!! So many giggles in fact, that it brought tears to my eyes at how much he must have missed his daddy. His night sleep schedule is out of sorts again, but this seems to be the only thing this time! From experience, we know that this up every couple of hours will only last about a week, and we just need to get through it! Luckily I am not alone this time and can trade off the every
TWO hours that Pres is waking up. It has been very nice to roll over and make Pete get up! Poor Pete is certainly not used to it, and finally understands my response to how I am while he's gone. I always answer him with just an "I'm tired, good, but tired". He is now experiencing first hand the tiredness that is associated with being up all night, then having a baby ready to rock 'n roll at 5am!
Pres is growing leaps and bounds these past few weeks. He now can sit up on his own (with a lot of sideways falling). He has no interest whatsoever in crawling and uses your hands to pull himself up to stand. As you are holding him, he will take steps to get where he wants to, and has been having a blast going for the cats (much to their absolute horror). He is still very wary of strangers and will happily coo at them as long as they make no attempt to touch him. It they do, then we have a complete meltdown that leaves the poor person apologizing profusely to me, and myslef telling them not to take it personally because he does it to everyone. I have now started to just ask people to please not touch him. It makes me seem like a cranky old lady, but it's worth it to avoid the whole awkwardness of the touching scenario! Really...all of my neighbors are very, very old and all want to squeeze his chubby cheeks. Hopefully he grows out of this VERY soon! When he flashes those big blues and dimpled smile, people can't help themselves (even after I've asked them not to touch). It's like seeing the cute puppy at the pet shop and not being allowed to pet him.
We are headed down to Naples to spend Thanksgiving with the Blanchard/Dean/Teich clan! There will be lots and lots of kids for Pres to squeal at and lots and lots of adults for him to cry at as they all just want to hug and kiss him. Poor little guy has no idea what he's in for! Hopefully our "look first then touch" policy about him will help to ease the "stranger" meltdowns. (Sorry aunts and uncles, hopefully by the time you all read this, he will have let each and every one of you love on him a bit!)