Friday, October 12, 2007

"...make me a bicycle clown."

So...Pres has learned a new trick. You see, he has learned that Pete and I are REALLY green at this baby thing. Therefore, give a little scream, produce a tear, and we come running, certain that something must be wrong. We are, however, beginning to notice that it comes when he has tired with one activity and wants to be picked up. It took us a bit to catch on, but now we are beginning to see. For instance, this morning he is in his baby jumper. He is happily sucking on the front and jumping up and down when all of the sudden he gives an ear piercing scream. I run to get him, flustered and concerned. As I struggle to get him out while simultaneously wondering how he's hurt and looking for a mark, I notice something-he has stopped crying. In fact, he is actually giggling. (Now I'm sure all of you parents reading this are laughing at me right now, but try to think back with your first, and maybe you can sympathize.) It dawns on me quickly (as he is really giggling at this point) that perhaps he is not hurt, he just wanted out and knew the fastest way to get what he wanted was to scream. As I am holding him, mentally kicking myself for falling for it, I begin to laugh. I am laughing because I have realized that my 3 1/2 month old son has just gotten the best of me, and not only do I know it, but so does HE!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Ryan does the same thing!

April Elizabeth said...

ha ha for Ryan-you know what that means Chrissy???!!!! Imagine your little one!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think his Daddy taught him that move. I can just see him coaching little Pres on the ways to a woman's heart.