Gramma and Pres! Sorry mom, it's the only one I have-you look cute even though your eyes are closed!

I love the look Pres is giving Dyer, it is hilarious!

Pres and Dyer

"No more pictures Titi"

Pres in his Santa suit! So cute! He's playing with one of his new toys!

We had a wonderful holiday! On the Friday before Christmas, Pete and I did our gift for each other, which was to have an evening just the two of us!!! We had a romantic dinner at this great wine bar in College Park. We couldn't stop talking the whole time! It was so great to just be with each other as husband and wife. I couldn't have asked for a better gift(thank you Melanie for taking such good care of Pres!).
Christmas morning, Pete and I have a tradition of making a really big breakfast. Well...we all know that Pete is the one who makes it, but I do enjoy eating it! This year it was fun to include Pres in that! We took our breakfast into his room, and just watched him have his morning play time, while we enjoyed our cheesy eggs and some rare morning family time!
We decided to head over to my parents by lunch time. My mom had bought Pres this really cute Santa suit with a hat and everything. As the dutiful daughter, I put him in it, and to my son's credit, he dutifully wore it until he saw his gramma!!!! After that, he was stripped down to just a t-shirt-which at the moment is his favorite outfit! We had a wonderful time with my parents. My mom really goes all out with the food, and we all had our favorites ready for us (green bean casserole for me, home made lemon bars for Pete). Pres had tons of gifts from his grandparents. They really went overboard! To my surpirse, he enjoyed every minute of the gift thing. He loved the sparkly bows and wrapping paper, as well as the actual gift. He squealed his way through all of his gifts, and then giggled his way as the rest of us opened ours! Pres did not nap all afternoon and was an absolute angel-VERY rare if he hasn't napped. He took a early evening snooze which gave me just enough time to play with my nephew so hard that I made him loose his cookies (literally, it was all cookies!) Pres woke up in time for dinner, and it was a yummy meal! I enjoyed every minute of my time with everyone! Thank you mom and dad for a wonderful (although you really went overboard with the gifts!) Christmas. I have lots and lots of fun gift cards to use (I asked for them in case you are wondering b/c I prefer to pick out my own gift) and can't wait to use the restaurant ones for more romantic nights out with Pete!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas as we did!
1 comment:
Oh my goodness, the cuteness factor is SO HIGH on the one with him sitting in his santa suit, chewing at the toy and staring straight at the camera! So cute- getting so big so fast!!
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