Pete was gone for my birthday...I know...surprise, I spent the day with my amazing friends here in lower Alabama! Amy, Jodi, and I met at Mickey D's for a lunch with all of the kiddos. Between the three of us we had 8 kids! It was a wonderful time and a nice distraction for the afternoon! In the evening, Jodi, made me a home made Thai dinner complete with a wonderful dessert and candles! It was so surprising and sweet! I hardly missed Pete at all (well...I missed him a little bit!).
Once Pete returned home, the girls and I made plans to have a "girls night out"! We went into the big city Dothan(ha, ha, ha...I just said "big city" about Dothan). We had pedicures, a great Thai dinner (can you tell I like Thai food?!), and ended the night at the book store. To my GREAT delight they are all book nerds like myself!!!!!!!
In all, I met my 30th year in a great way. Thank you to everyone for making it such a wonderful celebration!
For those of you wondering what Pete did for me for my ya go...
not his best...
yep...that's an index card...
three days late...
but I did get wonderful flowers for V-day!
See the little arrow after the message?! There was more on the back, but it only went downhill from there! At least there's only room for improvement for next year!!!!
P.S. Here's what 30 looks like!