Thursday, February 18, 2010

Valentine's Day

We had a wonderful Valentine's Day this year! Preston is really starting to understand that a holiday is coming and he gets all excited about what we do to celebrate the different holidays! We had fun using our red colors and paints all day. (Well-Pres had a great time...I could have had more fun if he didn't insist on smearing paint up and down his arms!)

Pres, Pete, and I made a heart cake!!!!!

Pete bought me a beautiful bouquet of wildflowers!

After all of the snow, the weather began to get warm! We all played outside and enjoyed the fleeting warmth. It was a nice change to get out because we had been cooped up for a couple of days with a very sick Ashlyn. She had a nasty cold (her first) and she kept us both up all night crying and just being uncomfortable (my poor baby!). So if we look tired...WE WERE!!!!

According to Pete, no post for the next year would be complete if I did not put in a picture of his car! Here ya's a view of the garage...can you guess who took this picture?!


chrissy said...

I love the cake. Can't wait till Asher can help me too!

Grandma said...

Love all of the pictures. All look happy and content. Mom

Keitha said...

The cake is super cute!