Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Labor has begun...

Here we go! I am so glad that it is happening on its own and that I will not have to be induced. I'm still at home now just riding out the storm so to speak! I've been having contractions for a few days and today they really started to go. Right now, I'm about every 10 minutes and have been for the past hour or so. I'm waiting until they are about 6 or 7 minutes for a constant hour until I go to the hospital as per the instructions of my OB's nurse. She told me to take some extra strength Tylenol and try to rest at home until I come in...yeah right...the Tylenol did not help at all so I'm up walking around just killing time and having fun with the contraction counter!


Unknown said...

Yaaaaaaaay!! Im SO glad things happened on their own! Hopefully you will get to stay far away from the pitocin! Good luck with every thing. I'll be waiting for my "Baby's here, lets drink" text :)

Tammy Reedy said...

yeah!!!! Good Luck! I can't wait to see her!

Tammy Reedy said...

YEAH!!! Good Luck! I can't wait to see her!

Katie said...

Awaiting the exciting news... :)