Sunday, June 14, 2009

Some pictures...

...and not much else. We are on our own and pretty tired around here! I have lots more pictures to post of Ashlyn with all of her visitors. A big thank you to everyone that sent their wishes or came to see us. It was pretty overwhelming for us and we just couldn't believe the outpouring of love. You guys all rock!!!!


Unknown said...

Aww Ive been waiting! She's way sweet :)

Keitha said...

so sweet! Thank you for sharing! YOur son looks like he's one proud big brother.

chrissy said...

What sweet pics!! Can't wait to meet her in person!

Melissa said...

She is beautiful! I can't wait to meet her in person.

JackieinDenver said...

Preston seems to enjoy having his baby sister around, :D. You all look great. :)