Monday, August 10, 2009

The catch up Part 1:Pres' b-day party

We've been super busy here and I have lots to catch up on! I'll start with the pictures from Pres' second birthday party that took place on July 11th (I am REALLY behind!) and work my way up! Ashlyn is two months old now! She is really starting to become fun, but we'll get to that later. For now, here are the pictures from Pres' b-day!

Pete made the Thomas cake from scratch! He did the face with fondant! It was really amazing and I can't wait to see what he does next year.

There were a lot of kids, friends, food, and tons of fun. Preston has so many great little friends here and we had a great time playing with everyone. Preston received so many wonderful gifts! I have two people to say a big "thank you" to! First to the Davis clan that showed up early to help! I completely underestimated the time it took to get things done with a toddler and a newborn. If they hadn't shown up when they did, then nothing would have been ready! Thank you Jeanne Anne for keeping Ashlyn happy while I ran around cleaning and decorating and also thank you to Mark for finding that Thomas balloon!!!!! A second special thanks to Melissa for once again finding her way around my kitchen! Not only did she get the food ready for the kiddos, but she did dishes. I have wonderful friends!!!!!


chrissy said...

Good Job Peter!! Thanks for posting the pics, I won't hound you anymore;)

Keitha said...

Yeah! Pictures!!!! Glad you are back. Keep the updates going!