Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sometimes it's the small things...

that can turn a bad situation into something hilarious! Pres has had an ear infection and we've been doing the medicine battle for about 5 days. It has been a loooooong five days and the other night after bath, Pres was hiding from me in order to not take his medicine. While hiding and screaming "NO" in the closet, he found this bathing suit for Ashlyn next year. He wanted to put on the bottoms and because I was so frustrated I decided to put it on him and take as many embarrassing pictures as I could. Years from now, I will bring these out-maybe for a first girlfriend-and will feel no shame because I will remember how tired I was this night!

As a small disclaimer and in Preston's defense, he did realize this was a bathing suit and wanted to put it on to go swimming!


Keitha said...

OMG! This is too funny!!!! Is he dancing on top of that?!

Unknown said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, that is just too cute for words

Grandma said...

He looks good in it!! Grandma

Jackie in Denver, :D said...

You owe me a chat, April, ;)

Leslie Lauren said...

Wow!!! I was just on Katie's blog and came across yours~ I can't believe you have TWO now!!! So exciting!! I want a girl so bad I can hardly stand it :) :) :)

So good to see you are doing well :)