Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pres' first day of school


Pres did okay at school. Ms. Amanda said that there were a lot of tears. He wasn't too interested in participating, but hopefully that will change.

This morning I dropped off one happy Preston for his first day of school. He didn't even cry and I was so glad for that! I'm not sure I could have left him there if he had been in tears.

We were able to get him into the Mother's Day Out program at Hillcrest Baptist here in Enterprise, Alabama. I had heard wonderful things about the program and was glad when I got the call that they were opening up a third two year old class so they had a spot for Preston. We went last Friday and met his teacher Ms. Amanda. She is very sweet and the classroom in adorable. He goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30-12:30.

For those of you that don't know, I taught preschool for years (in fact, it lead to me meeting Pete!). My standards because of this are a bit high and I was pleased to find that Hillcrest met them all! I love that Preston will have chapel on Thursdays and get art, library, story, and free play time! It is my hope that he will learn to play well with others (Megan-L will be glad about that!) and have something that belongs to just him. He's been such a great big brother to Ashlyn that he has more than earned something that is all his! This also gives me some time with just Ashlyn and since her big brother is very demanding of my time, this will be good for her as well.

I'll update this afternoon after I pick Pres up from school. I'm also going to try and get some pictures from his classroom. I didn't take any this morning because I wasn't too sure how the drop off would go!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay Preston! Im glad you were able to get him in there! Layla starts at the Small Steps school at First Baptist next week. She cant wait! She's moving up to 5 days a week this year :) Im starting to feel better and hack not as bad so we'll have to get together soon :P