Me, Dyer, and Pres

Pres playing in the water. He figured out REALLY fast that he could take those things out and put them in his mouth!

Pres playing in the new and improved toddler section. It was kind of boring before, now there is not only new carpet (Thank God for that one-see rest of blog for explanation) but lots of new activities!
Pete and I joined the Science Center. It gives me something fun to do with Pres during the week. He loves going and watching all of the other kids! We went this week and had a blast. His favorite part was playing in the water. Two weeks ago he didn't even want to stick his hand in the water; now he won't take his hands out of the water without a fight!
For some strange reason Pres is obsessed with floors. Any time any floors are carpeted, he spends minutes trying to grab at it and if he can't get it to lift up, he bends down and tries to lick it. It is SOOO gross. I guess this is what happens when you don't have any carpeting in your house?! I tell you this because much to my amusement and the amusement of those around me, Pres did his fun trick at the Science Center. He would sit and pick at the carpet, then yell at it for a minute, then finally bend down and lick it. I have no clue what the fascination is for him. I immediately pull him up and tell him ewww, all the while being so thankful that the carpet is new. This way only about a few thousand dirty feet have been on it! He soon tired of the carpet and began to enjoy the toys. It was lots of fun to watch him play and interact with the other children.