Monday, April 28, 2008

Visit with Grandma and Grandpa Blanchard

This weekend we had a wonderful visit with Pete's parents. We had perfect weather, good food, and a happy baby! They came in Friday night and we all enjoyed a spaghetti dinner. Pres loves spaghetti and Pete and I have found that it is a great company dinner. He will quietly sit and eat (play) with the noodles and we are able to socialize. Pres wasn't too sure who these silly people were, so he spent the rest of the evening checking them out.

Saturday was a nice relaxing day hanging out at the house. Dick and I left Susan, Pete, and Pres for some bonding time and headed to my favorite specialty store Petty's Meat Market. I love it there! Yummy gourmet food, a snobby sommelier, and free drink and food samples-there's nothing not to like! We picked out some great food and were able to try some good red wines. It is during our wine tasting that Dick and I encountered a funny situation. The sommelier was in the process of explaining the wine we were tasting. Dick was litening intently(or appeared to be), and I was just really enjoying the wine; I'm not too interested in the explanation, first of all it is hard to understand the man's thick French accent and secondly all I need to know is if I like the taste! During the explanation I noticed a older man bouncing up to us with a goofy grin on his face. He interrupts the sommalier in his explanation (big no-no for proud French men) and says, "I'd like some of the grapey wine." Hmmmmmmm...grapey wine. I was confused, I see Dick pause in his thoughts and the sommelier looks very confused so he replies, "ze grapey wine?" "Yes", the older man says, "the grapey tasting wine." "aaaaaaa ze... g-r-a-p-e-y wine???" the sommelier again replies with much confusion and a bit of disdain in his voice. It is at this point I have to turn around. I can't make eye contact with anyone or I am going to laugh so hard I just might snort! I missed the rest of the conversation, but it ended with the sommelier just giving up, taking out a cup, pouring what he had in it and handing it to the man. The man then takes a drink and says, "yes, this is the grapey wine." At this point, I did chuckle. I couldn't help myself. The man finally left and the look of the face of the sommelier was priceless. He was so relieved and a bit irritated!

Dick and I tasted a very good red wine and Dick treated us to some for our cook out. We finished up the rest of our shop uneventfully and headed home.

That night my parents and Pete's friend Joel came over to join in the festivities. We had london broil, mac salad, sauteed mushrooms, and corn on the cob! Yummy! We had a great time and it was so nice being a host to this group. Everyone chatted, took care of themselves and each spent time playing with Preston. (A big thanks to Joel for the stuffed bunny for Pres).

Sunday we had bagels and pastries for breakfast and said goodbye to the Blanchard duo. We had a wonderful time with them and can't wait until we see them again. Thank you both so much for making the drive to come and see us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had tons of fun!! I am looking forward to June when I finally get to meet Preston!