We've been having some problems with our keyboard and I've been lazy about getting Pete to fix it. I finally let him know, and he was able to get it working again in about 2 seconds!
Now that I can type again, it's time for a new blog!
We've had a crazy busy couple of weeks with tons of events. I am wiped out and glad to finally have some quiet around here! My first (and last) event with Pete's flight class went swimmingly well. It was a great time and a pleasure to have them all in our home. I only took two pictures of the whole thing because I was busy being hostess, but they are good ones! This is Miss Queen with her followers in the water table! Can you tell who is queen bee?????

As my pregnancy has finally forced me to slow down (darn it!) I had to resign as the social person. That was sad for me but good for you all because I can tell you the really funny/disgusting thing that happened at the party. (Melissa, I can't help myself...cleaning that toilet from the skid marks was just too gross!)Now I'm no expert on social etiquette. My grandmother and parents tried but I was pretty stubborn as a child. Needless to say I remember some things and not others. I
AM pretty sure however that no grown women should come to a party and take a big 'ole poo in the one bathroom for guests to use. (I know Chrissy is laughing at me now too.) The really funny part was that there were quite a few dads playing with the kiddos in Preston's room. The smell was coming out of the bathroom while she was in there and there was a sudden announcement that "one of the kiddos pooed". At this, I came to see what was going on and was immediately grossed out by what had to be going on in my guest bathroom. I was also hysterically laughing as two grown men were systematically sniffing the diapers of all of the toddlers in the room. Too funny! I was discreetly trying to let the men know that someone was in the bathroom and they immediately assumed it was one of the guys. This began a whole tirade of Army potty jokes shouted in the general direction of the bathroom. At this, I couldn't take it anymore and had to go to my room and compose myself from the tears of laughter rolling down my face. I knew it wasn't one of the guys, but figured that they deserved the humiliation they got...I mean...I would never, ever, ever in a strangers home. If it became an emergency than you excuse yourself and head home!
Despite what I will always refer to as "poop gate" it was a wonderful time. I would like to thank Melissa for coming and being there!