SUNDAYFood and Wine Festival at Epcot. Pres had a wonderful time playing with his favorite person in the world-Grandpa Mike! He and my dad are so sweet together. The nice part about this was that Pete and I were able to really enjoy all of the yummy food and wine!

MONDAYRunning up and down the hill with Daddy! Aren't they sweet together?! The best part is that I get to sit and take pictures and don't have to be the one running up and down the hill! This is one of Pres' new favorite activities.

We also went to the Walmart to do some shopping. I was gossiped about by two ladies who decided that I was "not your typical Walmart shopper" ie I was a bit too fancy for Walmart. I took some offense to this because they were judging me based on my clothes. Yes, I do like to dress nicely, but ladies I AM your typical Walmart shopper. I am middle class and like to be thrifty with my money. I do also shop at Publix, but if I am going to do a big shop, it's Walmart ALL the way...I also get my oil changed there and find all kinds of yummy smelling candles! It is such a generalization to assume that everyone that shops there is poor. Let's face it, most people who are poor can't afford Walmart. Let me get off of this subject because I could go on and on...I can't stand when you judge people by what they "appear" to be! Here's a pic of my outfit that day. Let me point out a few things:
1. I live in FLORIDA! Sundresses are par for the course.
2. I got this dress on sale at Marshalls for $24.99.
3. My hair is done because my cute hubby was home with me all day (look at him, do you blame me?!).
TUESDAYDinner with Grandma and Grandpa. A little naked swimming always is a good time! Pres had fun with Daddy, but he was on lookout mode for Grandpa Mike!

WEDNESDAYThe best excuse for an early nap I've ever seen! Look at those tired eyes!
THURSDAYThis is a fun activity to do with the little ones. We took cheap shaving cream and bought some crayola sidewalk paint. You add a little sidewalk paint to a bowl of shaving cream and then have fun. We all had a blast painting each other and the ground. The best part is the clean up is a breeze...just turn on the hose and rinse!

FRIDAYThe following pictures are from what I am referring to as "POOP GATE". I knew Pres was pooping, and I went to get a diaper and some wipes. I came out to find his pants and diaper pulled just slightly down, and poo on his hands, the ottoman, and the tv consule! Yuck! How on earth do you stop that one?! I made it so that he can't take off his diaper, and now the big stinker has found a new way to get his poo all over the house, he'll just stick his hand right on down
IN his diaper. It might be funny later on, but not today!