So my high risk appointment went beautifully!!!! I had to have a vaginal ultrasound because I am still so early along, but the baby has a strong heart beat and seems to be moving along really well!!!! FINALLY! A doc appointment that I didn't leave in tears! The due date is going to be like last time (for those of you who remember). My medication slows down the growth of the baby a little so it is hard to pinpoint an exact date. The growth of the baby is showing at 8 weeks but my last period says it would be about 11 or 12 weeks. The doctor jokingly said to me that he could narrow it down to the end of May or the beginning of June and that doesn't take into account the C-section option! That's fine by me as I could care less as long as the baby is healthy and developing like it should. Here are some pictures from the ultrasound today.

The heart rate of the baby is super strong and steady at 140! This was a concern as the Lopressor I am on to slow my heart rate can also slow down the baby's heart rate. It hasn't and I am so happy I just can't even put it into words. Those pictures are why I restrict myself, take this horrible medication, and put up with the constant worry. At the end of all of this is another beautiful baby that I have the privilege to be it's mommy!
I am way overdo for a Preston update and have some pictures from this cute Fall Festival we went to this past weekend. I'll post them this evening!
Thank you all for your prayers and support!
The latest Dean looks exactly like Preston at that age, ;)
What a cute little baby!!!! I can't wait to meet the new Dean.
Technology is so cool! Isn't it amazing?! The baby looks like a little bean.
yAY!! Congratulations!! You know, my boys always had heartrates around 140, and Madalyn was always 159- 163. BUT with you, this could mean boy or girl, huh? Maybe it's a girl and the heartrate has slowed to 140. ;) (Can you tell I WAY overanalyze these details.)
We need a new post!!!
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