Thursday, February 26, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Not an update yet but...
check this out. My friend Nikki that I've blogged about before (remember...can't wait for my awesome baby announcements?!) is also a talented clothes designer. She designs for the company Justice which is a part of Limited Too. If you have a little girl you have probably seen the clothes or have had to buy them. They are super cute! Well anyways, Nikki was flipping through the tv one night and spotted Ellie in a commercial with Jennifer Aniston for St. Jude's Children's Hospital. Ellie was wearing one of Nikki's designs and the little girl's story touched her heart. She wanted to do something for Ellie, so here is a copy of the email and video that Nikki just sent me. It was so sweet and I am really proud that I have so many extraordinary people in my life! (I am also adding Nikkis' disclaimer because she is just too cute!)
A little story about a girl named Ellie Bouchard. Ellie is a survivor from a life threatening brain tumor, you can check out her story here...
Ellie's Story
After Ellie was diagnosed with the type of brain cancer she had, her parents decided to take her to St. Jude's to finish up her treatment, which consisted of intense chemotherapy. And not only did Ellie survive, but throughout the whole thing she kept a great attitude, was always happy and had a smile on her face for the doctors. And because of her great attitude, St. Judes picked her to be their spokesperson this year.
Jennifer Aniston is a huge supporter of St. Judes and she stared in a commercial with Ellie, which was featured on Access Hollywood and that is when I discovered Ellie. I saw her on Access Hollywood and Larry King and she was wearing a t-shirt I designed. I feel in love with her attitude and spirit. After all she had been through at 6 years old and she was full of hope and happiness and she just had a great spirit about her and I wanted to do something for her. So when I got to work the next day I contacted our Design Director and asked her if we could do a little something for her, because the girl obviously loved our store.
So the Design Director contacted our Director of Internal Communications, Keriake Lucas(our PR person) and she took it to another level. I was just expecting to send her a gift card with a sweet note to let her know she is in our prayers, but Keriake had a different vision. So instead we took a team picture, I designed a card and the whole design team signed it wishing her well(about 30 people), also me and another girl went to Justice and picked out 3 outfits a piece for Ellie and her sister Emma. Then we mailed all of that together and I included a personal note on how much she has inspired me. Just when I thought it was all done, Keriake came to me and told me she wanted to do a small inspirational video featuring Ellie and show it during Justice's National Sales Meeting that they hold every year. Its a meeting for all of the Regional, District and Store Managers and with all the layoffs we have all been through Keri thought this would be a great piece to inspire the managers and to show that what we do can make a difference in people's lives. And within that video she interviewed me and asked me numerous questions about Ellie and how she has inspired me and what a difference one person can make in someones lives. So without further ado here is that video...
P.S. I am adding a disclaimer that the camera man had a bad shot of me. He was a short guy and I was sitting on a stool obviously higher than him. That is all I have to say....
Love you all!!
I just cried after the video! What an amazing little girl and how wonderful to know that one person really can make a difference.
I have lots to catch up on and I will soon. I have pictures from my visitors last week and my birthday. I am finally functioning again after a nasty, nasty cold that had me feverish and loopy!
A little story about a girl named Ellie Bouchard. Ellie is a survivor from a life threatening brain tumor, you can check out her story here...
Ellie's Story
After Ellie was diagnosed with the type of brain cancer she had, her parents decided to take her to St. Jude's to finish up her treatment, which consisted of intense chemotherapy. And not only did Ellie survive, but throughout the whole thing she kept a great attitude, was always happy and had a smile on her face for the doctors. And because of her great attitude, St. Judes picked her to be their spokesperson this year.
Jennifer Aniston is a huge supporter of St. Judes and she stared in a commercial with Ellie, which was featured on Access Hollywood and that is when I discovered Ellie. I saw her on Access Hollywood and Larry King and she was wearing a t-shirt I designed. I feel in love with her attitude and spirit. After all she had been through at 6 years old and she was full of hope and happiness and she just had a great spirit about her and I wanted to do something for her. So when I got to work the next day I contacted our Design Director and asked her if we could do a little something for her, because the girl obviously loved our store.
So the Design Director contacted our Director of Internal Communications, Keriake Lucas(our PR person) and she took it to another level. I was just expecting to send her a gift card with a sweet note to let her know she is in our prayers, but Keriake had a different vision. So instead we took a team picture, I designed a card and the whole design team signed it wishing her well(about 30 people), also me and another girl went to Justice and picked out 3 outfits a piece for Ellie and her sister Emma. Then we mailed all of that together and I included a personal note on how much she has inspired me. Just when I thought it was all done, Keriake came to me and told me she wanted to do a small inspirational video featuring Ellie and show it during Justice's National Sales Meeting that they hold every year. Its a meeting for all of the Regional, District and Store Managers and with all the layoffs we have all been through Keri thought this would be a great piece to inspire the managers and to show that what we do can make a difference in people's lives. And within that video she interviewed me and asked me numerous questions about Ellie and how she has inspired me and what a difference one person can make in someones lives. So without further ado here is that video...
P.S. I am adding a disclaimer that the camera man had a bad shot of me. He was a short guy and I was sitting on a stool obviously higher than him. That is all I have to say....
Love you all!!
I just cried after the video! What an amazing little girl and how wonderful to know that one person really can make a difference.
I have lots to catch up on and I will soon. I have pictures from my visitors last week and my birthday. I am finally functioning again after a nasty, nasty cold that had me feverish and loopy!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!
We have had a great day today! We went to Dothan this morning to get the supplies we needed to clean up the garage! My awesome hubby has wordlessly allowed me to go all "pregnant nesting" on him, and without question came up with a plan to clean the garage, fix up the backyard, and get new sheets! I love that man!
Last night was our official V-day celebration though. I was not feeling well, so I took a nap when Pres did and woke up at dinner time to find this:
Flowers and a card on the table

Wonderful smells of yummy food were drifting through the house upon my wake up and the culprits of that were Texas toast, caesar salad and spaghetti and meatballs! (Pete made the meatballs himself and they were delicious!)

To top it all off, Pete had a video for Pres ready to go and Pres happily ate his spaghetti while Pete and I were able to enjoy a meal for two!

Have I mentioned that I LOVE this man????!!!!

I wish everyone a wonderful day like I've had!
Last night was our official V-day celebration though. I was not feeling well, so I took a nap when Pres did and woke up at dinner time to find this:
Flowers and a card on the table

Wonderful smells of yummy food were drifting through the house upon my wake up and the culprits of that were Texas toast, caesar salad and spaghetti and meatballs! (Pete made the meatballs himself and they were delicious!)

To top it all off, Pete had a video for Pres ready to go and Pres happily ate his spaghetti while Pete and I were able to enjoy a meal for two!

Have I mentioned that I LOVE this man????!!!!

I wish everyone a wonderful day like I've had!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
My completely rockin' friend, Nikki, (and yes, I might have a bias b/c I consider her family) has her own stationary/card business. She's started an awesome blog that will highlight some great ideas for holiday cards and such. You guys should check it out. I am drooling over the designs and can't wait to use them for my baby announcements! I thought I would share and encourage everyone to take a peek!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
19 months going on 30
Pres is growing up so fast. Some days are so much fun and others are just plain awful! He is the most strong willed toddler I have ever come in contact with (I was a preschool teacher and nanny for over 5 years, so there have been a lot!). He wants everything on his own terms and some days that can be exhausting. It can also be such joy because he is independent and spunky!
We have finally conquered the word "please". I was thinking it was just never going to happen-you see, this is where his strong will comes in. Rather than have the treat by saying please, my son will do WITHOUT and not say please. Rather than getting up from the table, my son will just sit there in complete silence refusing to give in! I can't tell you how many times I would be in the kitchen after he had asked for a snack asking him to say please before I gave it to him, only to have him refuse and WALK away leaving me flabbergasted while standing there holding the food; or how many times he would sit in his high chair for 20 and 30 minutes refusing to say please to be excused! As most of you moms can imagine, this would infuriate me! The whole "you will not have it until you say please" bit just didn't work. He wouldn't even cry or pitch a temper tantrum. Simply give me this look and then walk out of the kitchen or if he was in his chair he would just settle in like sitting in his chair was exactly what he wanted to be doing. In my pregnant state this sometimes would just bring me to tears. The temper tantrum and fits I can deal with, but complete silence and then a dismissal was something I was not ready for! Who expects that from a 1 year old?! I finally came to the conclusion that I would just have to pluck on and not give in until he said please. It took about two months, but we have now officially ended the battle of the word "please". I am aware that it is probably only over because he now likes to say the word and have no delusions that it comes from me breaking his will (not even possible). I will, however, take this victory and keep it with me as we are now tackling "thank you", and "no and yes ma'am/sir". Wish me luck!
Despite or perhaps because of this will, I am so in love with my beautiful baby boy that my heart overflows! Even while he is wearing me down with his stubbornness, I am so proud of this little trait of his and I know that the Lord can use it to do some wonderful things for His kingdom. Imagine that will going about the world spreading the gospel! That is my daily prayer for my son that I can raise him up to use his natural gifts to glorify his Savior (even the gifts that make parenting him a nightmare at times!).
Pres is really into sports. He loves them all. Anything that involves a ball and running is something that he will play with full gusto. He's extremely athletic (I know my family and friends are going, "he didn't get that from you!" and they would be correct!) He can dribble a soccer ball better than kids double his age. That could come from all of the soccer games of his cousin Dyer that he went to. He's also really into baseball(YAWN). I can not stand the silly game but Pres brings me his bat and asks to go outside so we can play. We put the ball on the T and he hits the heck out of it. He's got the stance and swing correct (certainly not from watching me) but we can't seem to get him to understand the concept of running the bases. Right now after every hit, he comes and gives me a big hug (I'm not complaining about that one because it is the only interesting part of playing baseball with him!)
All of these traits are so amazing because they are completely opposite of what I thought my child would have. I'm a book reading, bike riding, and piano playing kind of gal (notice all solitary activities)and Pete is a guitar playing, runner that isn't that into cars or sports. We are both pretty laid back and tend to go with the flow...BUT...somehow this made a car loving (I mean LOVING), athletic fanatic that likes to get his own way at all times and did I mention there is NO going with the flow unless it is Preston's flow! God has an ironic sense of humor!
Here are some current pictures of the little monkey from the past week.
Trying to change his diaper...notice the big blur...this is pretty much all that I see to as he wiggles and fights having to stop running for 5 seconds!

After bath and getting ready for bed (Chrissy notice the t-shirt? It's the ones we made years ago during the hurricane in NC)

Loving on our "baby". We are using this bear to help him get used to the idea of a baby in the house. We hold it, feed it, and love on it. So far...Pres will be a great big long as Ashlyn doesn't mind being mercilessly tossed on the floor when he is bored with her!

The back on the couch is his new favorite place. He will sit or stand up there for long periods at a time just singing and blowing kisses! Not the best thing to allow but given all I've shared about the other battles, this is one I choose not to fight. We did after all buy this couch because we thought it would be good with kids (we were right too!).

Pres in his favorite place, the backyard, playing soccer and running around with daddy!

We have finally conquered the word "please". I was thinking it was just never going to happen-you see, this is where his strong will comes in. Rather than have the treat by saying please, my son will do WITHOUT and not say please. Rather than getting up from the table, my son will just sit there in complete silence refusing to give in! I can't tell you how many times I would be in the kitchen after he had asked for a snack asking him to say please before I gave it to him, only to have him refuse and WALK away leaving me flabbergasted while standing there holding the food; or how many times he would sit in his high chair for 20 and 30 minutes refusing to say please to be excused! As most of you moms can imagine, this would infuriate me! The whole "you will not have it until you say please" bit just didn't work. He wouldn't even cry or pitch a temper tantrum. Simply give me this look and then walk out of the kitchen or if he was in his chair he would just settle in like sitting in his chair was exactly what he wanted to be doing. In my pregnant state this sometimes would just bring me to tears. The temper tantrum and fits I can deal with, but complete silence and then a dismissal was something I was not ready for! Who expects that from a 1 year old?! I finally came to the conclusion that I would just have to pluck on and not give in until he said please. It took about two months, but we have now officially ended the battle of the word "please". I am aware that it is probably only over because he now likes to say the word and have no delusions that it comes from me breaking his will (not even possible). I will, however, take this victory and keep it with me as we are now tackling "thank you", and "no and yes ma'am/sir". Wish me luck!
Despite or perhaps because of this will, I am so in love with my beautiful baby boy that my heart overflows! Even while he is wearing me down with his stubbornness, I am so proud of this little trait of his and I know that the Lord can use it to do some wonderful things for His kingdom. Imagine that will going about the world spreading the gospel! That is my daily prayer for my son that I can raise him up to use his natural gifts to glorify his Savior (even the gifts that make parenting him a nightmare at times!).
Pres is really into sports. He loves them all. Anything that involves a ball and running is something that he will play with full gusto. He's extremely athletic (I know my family and friends are going, "he didn't get that from you!" and they would be correct!) He can dribble a soccer ball better than kids double his age. That could come from all of the soccer games of his cousin Dyer that he went to. He's also really into baseball(YAWN). I can not stand the silly game but Pres brings me his bat and asks to go outside so we can play. We put the ball on the T and he hits the heck out of it. He's got the stance and swing correct (certainly not from watching me) but we can't seem to get him to understand the concept of running the bases. Right now after every hit, he comes and gives me a big hug (I'm not complaining about that one because it is the only interesting part of playing baseball with him!)
All of these traits are so amazing because they are completely opposite of what I thought my child would have. I'm a book reading, bike riding, and piano playing kind of gal (notice all solitary activities)and Pete is a guitar playing, runner that isn't that into cars or sports. We are both pretty laid back and tend to go with the flow...BUT...somehow this made a car loving (I mean LOVING), athletic fanatic that likes to get his own way at all times and did I mention there is NO going with the flow unless it is Preston's flow! God has an ironic sense of humor!
Here are some current pictures of the little monkey from the past week.
Trying to change his diaper...notice the big blur...this is pretty much all that I see to as he wiggles and fights having to stop running for 5 seconds!

After bath and getting ready for bed (Chrissy notice the t-shirt? It's the ones we made years ago during the hurricane in NC)

Loving on our "baby". We are using this bear to help him get used to the idea of a baby in the house. We hold it, feed it, and love on it. So far...Pres will be a great big long as Ashlyn doesn't mind being mercilessly tossed on the floor when he is bored with her!

The back on the couch is his new favorite place. He will sit or stand up there for long periods at a time just singing and blowing kisses! Not the best thing to allow but given all I've shared about the other battles, this is one I choose not to fight. We did after all buy this couch because we thought it would be good with kids (we were right too!).

Pres in his favorite place, the backyard, playing soccer and running around with daddy!

Monday, February 9, 2009
Warrant Officer Graduation Pictures
First a quick thank you to Megan and family for coming over to make pizza and Wii bowl! It was tons of fun (especially when I kick booty at bowling!). Another little quick note would be shame on both of us for not taking any pics...what kind of bloggers are we?!
Secondly, when Megan came over she had a CD of pictures that she took of Pete's graduation. They are awesome and we are so excited to have them!
Here we go:
Here's a picture of the ribbon I wore on my finger. It was how I told Pete we were having a girl. When I went to pin on his new rank, he saw the pink ribbon for the first time! His expression was priceless and Megan got it on film!

Here's when he found out...

...and here's the silly grin on his face after I told him that yes, we were having a girl!

The program for the graduation and me hiding my finger...his whole class knew about how I was going to tell him and was trying to sneak looks at my finger!

His WOC classes' don't know what they call it, but his class motto is on it. It's also the same design on his class coin. One of the guys in his class came up with the design and drew it...I think this guy missed his calling because he might be better suited for someting in the arts.

The Army band played and they did a wonderful job. I only chuckled once when they played the Army song-if you've ever heard the song then you know why. Sorry guys but it is a really silly sounding song!

Pete taking his oath to be a Warrant Officer!

Pete getting ready to go up and be pinned. He's the second bald head from the end of the row!

Some ceremony pics.

After the ceremony pictures.

Secondly, when Megan came over she had a CD of pictures that she took of Pete's graduation. They are awesome and we are so excited to have them!
Here we go:
Here's a picture of the ribbon I wore on my finger. It was how I told Pete we were having a girl. When I went to pin on his new rank, he saw the pink ribbon for the first time! His expression was priceless and Megan got it on film!

Here's when he found out...

...and here's the silly grin on his face after I told him that yes, we were having a girl!

The program for the graduation and me hiding my finger...his whole class knew about how I was going to tell him and was trying to sneak looks at my finger!

His WOC classes' don't know what they call it, but his class motto is on it. It's also the same design on his class coin. One of the guys in his class came up with the design and drew it...I think this guy missed his calling because he might be better suited for someting in the arts.

The Army band played and they did a wonderful job. I only chuckled once when they played the Army song-if you've ever heard the song then you know why. Sorry guys but it is a really silly sounding song!

Pete taking his oath to be a Warrant Officer!

Pete getting ready to go up and be pinned. He's the second bald head from the end of the row!

Some ceremony pics.

After the ceremony pictures.

Saturday, February 7, 2009
If only...
If only I had a camera with me on our trip to Dothan today. If I did here's what I would have taken a picture of:
The woman in the daisy dukes, tank top, and cowboy boots that had NO business being in daisy dukes.
The young kid with the Afro all thugged out in his clothes with the exception of the bright glittery belt around his pants!
The woman in the stall next to me at the Barnes and Noble who decided that a public restroom was a good place to have a blowout and a...make her own special music the whole time I was trying to pee. (I have no shame in admitting that I said "ew" and then proceeded to laugh my head off!)
The man drooling on a bench in the middle of the mall with a Nascar shirt on and his fly undone.
And last but certainly not least, my own son on his belly in the middle of the food court, trying to slide around on the floor!
Life is certainly interesting for us here in the deep south! You don't need tv, just a bag of popcorn and a nice comfy bench to people watch on!
The woman in the daisy dukes, tank top, and cowboy boots that had NO business being in daisy dukes.
The young kid with the Afro all thugged out in his clothes with the exception of the bright glittery belt around his pants!
The woman in the stall next to me at the Barnes and Noble who decided that a public restroom was a good place to have a blowout and a...make her own special music the whole time I was trying to pee. (I have no shame in admitting that I said "ew" and then proceeded to laugh my head off!)
The man drooling on a bench in the middle of the mall with a Nascar shirt on and his fly undone.
And last but certainly not least, my own son on his belly in the middle of the food court, trying to slide around on the floor!
Life is certainly interesting for us here in the deep south! You don't need tv, just a bag of popcorn and a nice comfy bench to people watch on!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Quick Update
Last week flew by so fast! I can't believe that it is already February. I want to give my sister Lynne and Miss "L" some birthday shout outs! My sister turned 28 on Monday and Miss "L" turned 4!
Not too much going on around here. Pete's still in his bubble and we are really enjoying having him home from lunch time on! It's nice to have someone play with Pres after he is pumped from his nap.
I am trying to pick out a new dining room set and am amazed with how difficult it's been. Who knew that you could find 50 tables with ugly pineapples and trees carved into them but forget about finding a simple table with clean lines that has a matching hutch and buffet! could be where I am shopping...excess seems to be the design theme here in good 'ole Alabama. I much prefer a little boring. It is after all going to be a table to entertain our friends, their kids and our kids. Anything elaborate would ultimately end up with crayon on it!
The pregnancy is going well. I have been SUPER tired lately and have found myself taking afternoon naps. This is a rare thing for me and I wake up feeling like I've wasted the day. I've also found myself enjoying the wonders of my baby resting on my sciatica! All I can say about that is "OUCH!" Luckily it goes away as quickly as it comes so I'll hurt for a couple of days, Ashlyn will finally move position and then I can relax until she goes right back to the same spot! Pete has been wonderful about back and knee rubs during these periods and I am so thankful to have him home with me! (Any suggestions from you other mom's that have been pregnant about how to help with the pain, I am ALL ears!)
Pres is now talking up a storm and comes up with the funniest things. I still can not get over him coming into the room and saying, "Hi momma". It literally melts my heart every time. His favorite saying right now is, "I'm okay". He says it anytime he falls, slips, or drops something so we hear it all day long.
I need to wrap this up and get dressed. Our friend Mark graduated today from WOC school and we are off to his house to celebrate with his family. They have two little girls and Pres loves playing with the oldest who is 2.
Not too much going on around here. Pete's still in his bubble and we are really enjoying having him home from lunch time on! It's nice to have someone play with Pres after he is pumped from his nap.
I am trying to pick out a new dining room set and am amazed with how difficult it's been. Who knew that you could find 50 tables with ugly pineapples and trees carved into them but forget about finding a simple table with clean lines that has a matching hutch and buffet! could be where I am shopping...excess seems to be the design theme here in good 'ole Alabama. I much prefer a little boring. It is after all going to be a table to entertain our friends, their kids and our kids. Anything elaborate would ultimately end up with crayon on it!
The pregnancy is going well. I have been SUPER tired lately and have found myself taking afternoon naps. This is a rare thing for me and I wake up feeling like I've wasted the day. I've also found myself enjoying the wonders of my baby resting on my sciatica! All I can say about that is "OUCH!" Luckily it goes away as quickly as it comes so I'll hurt for a couple of days, Ashlyn will finally move position and then I can relax until she goes right back to the same spot! Pete has been wonderful about back and knee rubs during these periods and I am so thankful to have him home with me! (Any suggestions from you other mom's that have been pregnant about how to help with the pain, I am ALL ears!)
Pres is now talking up a storm and comes up with the funniest things. I still can not get over him coming into the room and saying, "Hi momma". It literally melts my heart every time. His favorite saying right now is, "I'm okay". He says it anytime he falls, slips, or drops something so we hear it all day long.
I need to wrap this up and get dressed. Our friend Mark graduated today from WOC school and we are off to his house to celebrate with his family. They have two little girls and Pres loves playing with the oldest who is 2.
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