Secondly, when Megan came over she had a CD of pictures that she took of Pete's graduation. They are awesome and we are so excited to have them!
Here we go:
Here's a picture of the ribbon I wore on my finger. It was how I told Pete we were having a girl. When I went to pin on his new rank, he saw the pink ribbon for the first time! His expression was priceless and Megan got it on film!

Here's when he found out...

...and here's the silly grin on his face after I told him that yes, we were having a girl!

The program for the graduation and me hiding my finger...his whole class knew about how I was going to tell him and was trying to sneak looks at my finger!

His WOC classes' don't know what they call it, but his class motto is on it. It's also the same design on his class coin. One of the guys in his class came up with the design and drew it...I think this guy missed his calling because he might be better suited for someting in the arts.

The Army band played and they did a wonderful job. I only chuckled once when they played the Army song-if you've ever heard the song then you know why. Sorry guys but it is a really silly sounding song!

Pete taking his oath to be a Warrant Officer!

Pete getting ready to go up and be pinned. He's the second bald head from the end of the row!

Some ceremony pics.

After the ceremony pictures.

SOOOOOOOO cute. Preston's jacket is too adorable. Love those expressions, aren't you so glad you have these pictures?
all I have to say is..
its about time
Jackie...I completely forgot about the pictures. When Megan handed me the disk last night I even asked her what it was like a big idiot! So...(sticking out my toungue at you) I can't help I have preggo brain!
sure blame the pregnancy hormones, :). likely story, :). I am glad to see the pictures though. It was a treat to see them, :). Please respond to my email when you can, :)
The picture of pete finding out is priceless!!! Ryan and I did laugh, but only a little:D Love the jacket Preston is wearing!
That little jacket my mom bought him at Bealls in Orlando. All of the little kiddos seem to have one here. It's funny! They all want to be aviators like daddy!
What a cool idea to tell him that way! She'll be able to look back on these pictures later. SO NEAT!
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