So I went to the cardiologist again this week and got the following updates:
-Blood work came back normal
-Echo cardiogram was normal
-Heart rate still too high
-Increase in meds by 25 mg (which I refused because it's not working and the side effects are awful!)
-Go back in two weeks and check it out again to re-evaluate my doses and dangers.
There you go. It's similar as my last pregnancy where they could never give me a good answer as to why my heart rate is so high and they just are trying to keep it manageable. The echo is to make sure that there is no long term damage caused by the high heart rate such as an enlarged heart. So far, so good. The medicine this time around is causing me to be super nauseous. I'm not sure why and was told to just make sure I eat before I take it (which I do).
Besides all of that I will admit that I am becoming pretty cranky. I hate going to the doctor and now having to go to the cardiologist and OB almost every week is wearing me thin. As everyone (and I mean everyone) keeps telling me, they are just trying to stay on top of it. HA! Personally I think that since they really have NO clue they are just trying to save their own behinds (but again...that is the cranky part of me). The normal side of me is thankful for the wonderful care that I am receiving in order to ensure that myself and Ashlyn are okay.
***On a funny note Pete is about to go and have a full physical...I am glad for him to be the one for a change that has strange people touching him in places that are all kinds of uncomfortable!***Now onto something fun. Last night I took Megan to a Mary Kay party. It was the first one for one of the wives in Pete's flight school class so I wanted to go and meet her and show her some support. She was super cute and very nice and if you need Mary Kay you can check out her site
here BUT... the lady that is her "mentor" or whatever they are called was certifiably
C-R-A-Z-Y! Everything from waaaay too much make-up to fishnet stockings (and let's not forget to super fake boobs!)! It was such a big contrast to the wife we went to support who was in a super cute professional top with a trendy skinny belt.
As Megan and I dutifully took off our make-up and tried all kinds of cremes, we were able to laugh and have a good time! My friend Jeanne Anne was there as well and since Jeanne Anne seemed to have been on the bad side of fake boobs, it was all the more fun! I believe the highlight of the evening for me was when we were all pitched about the wonders of selling Mary Kay and fake boobs passed around her pay stub and told us how many cars she had been given. (I thought this was super tacky, but Chrissy tells me this is what they always do). I did end up buying some stuff because I really do like the Mary Kay products (the cotton lotion smells SOOO good!). In all it was a good evening and Megan, Jeanne Anne, and I certainly made some fun new memories together!