Sunday, March 29, 2009

OB Update and some Pres pics

Okay my friends! I went to the OB on Friday and got the news that I always like to hear...despite whatever my crazy heart is doing, it is having no effect at all on the baby! Ashlyn is absolutely perfect! I was able to have an ultrasound and see her! She had big eyes and chubby cheeks just like Preston did! Her nose is completely different though. Here are some pictures. They are kind of hard to see as I had to scan them. (This new place isn't as high tech as my doc in Florida!) I did get a DVD so Pete was able to watch the ultrasound with me when I got home but it is too big to upload. For now, enjoy these!

Here is her hand!

Her profile (or what she would give us, she's a shy picture taker!)

Here is a confirmation that she is indeed a girl.

Thank you all for your prayers. I can take whatever is thrown at me health wise as long as I know that this beautiful baby is okay.


Onto a new topic, Pres and I experienced our first tornado sirens this week. It was scary for me but Pres thought eating breakfast in the bathroom was tons of fun! The sirens went off right after I gave him his breakfast so I just picked him up, highchair and all and rushed into the bathroom. (Thank you Megan for the call to let me know...I was all prepared in case we needed to go in there!) Here are two pictures of him enjoying Dora and breakfast in the bathroom during on of the nasty storms!


Keitha said...

It is so cool that you can see your little girl before she is even born!

Preston does look pretty comfortable in the bathroom!

chrissy said...

Love the ultrasound pics!!! The bathroom pics are pretty funny! Preston will never remember there was a tornado warning, he'll just remember that you let him eat in the bathroom:)

Jackie in Denver, :D said...

glad that you and your little girl are doing ok. Thanks for the updates!

Melissa said...

The profile images are always my favorites! They're wonderful aren't they...and hers is beautiful!
Get the bathroom ready - we're in for another siren filled day tomorrow...

April Elizabeth said...

UGH...more sirens...seriously when is this rain going to STOP!

Ha Chrissy I bet you are right!