I decided that Pres' room should be the new baby's room and what we had set up as the nursery should be Pres' room. Poor Pete had to take down and put back together a crib, queen bed, and twin bed. There was stuff everywhere around the house, but he got it done and only griped a little! He rocks! We are in the process of painting and putting the finishing touches on and then I will post some pictures.

I was sick on my birthday so after my OB appointment that morning (which went great- the SAMC center in Dothan is amazing and Dr. Gordon is a riot!) I came home and rested. Pete made me brownies instead of a cake (I'm not a big cake fan) and he and Pres sang me "Happy Birthday". Excuse my appearance...my fever was at 102 at this point.

My mom and aunt came to visit me on the 17-19. It was a nice time and my aunt showed me some great deals to be found at the Commissary! Here's a picture of the three of us and it will have to count as my belly shot for February.

It was a great month and as I am in the total nesting phase, we are really starting to get things done around the house! I'll end this month with a silly picture of Pres and Pete. Pres is really starting to ham it up for the camera!

great updates and photos! :D
You look great April! I love the look on Pete's face as he is taking apart the crib.
Preston is just so cute!! Thanks for finally putting pics up, I almost forgot what you looked like! (I should talk, right?)
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