Thursday, May 21, 2009

The big "reveal"

Pete has wanted to cut Pres' hair for weeks. I've been fighting it as I love his baby curls. I decided that while he was gone (and I had Chrissy who knows how) I would give Pres a nice little buzz cut to surprise my hubby with. It was quite the experience with Preston having an absolute fit about the whole thing. Once it was over, he was completely happy and kept giggling at his new reflection! The amazing thing is that I had noticed his roots were coming in blond. My auburn haired baby boy is now a full blown blonde!

The "before" shot. He had a bribe of a Little Debbie cake and a Thomas video. He had no idea what was coming!

The "during" shot. He looks as if he is being tortured, but all of that crying didn't seem to stop him from eating his cake!

All of his curls...gone...a little sad for this mommy!

Here is a good "after" shot. It was taken the next day. He looks like such a big boy!

Pete was so pleased with his hair. It was worth all of the effort to make both of my boys so happy! Pres loves not having to wash his hair like before and keeps rubbing his head saying "soft" and Pete loves that his baby boy and he have the same hair cut! Here's a shot Pete took of Pres in his boots with his new hair cut.


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh he looks SO much older! It was good seeing you today. Keep me updated!

Melissa said...

He looks just like his dad with the new hair cut. Very adorable.

Keitha said...

He looks so big! It brings out his eyes even more.

chrissy said...

Thank goodness he still liked me after that! I can't wait until he's 16 and I can embarrass him with this story;)