Friday, May 1, 2009


Preston and I snuck down to Florida for about a week. When I say snuck, I mean with a capital "S" because my doctors would be none too happy to have me far away. Oh well...Pete was leaving, I needed to try out my new meds and couldn't be alone...after all, I am supposed to be resting. I didn't really have any other options. Luckily my mom came and drove me down and then will be driving me back on the 7th.

Here are some updates:

Tried the new heart meds and did not tolerate them AT ALL! I was stumbling around like an old drunk man! I went back down to my old dose and am doing okay. I'm having some uncomfortable tachy moments, but nothing too severe.

Pete is in SERE school. We miss him-especially Pres. My little guy is having MAJOR separation anxiety and won't let me out of his sight right now. He asks for daddy as soon as he wakes up from nap and bedtime and it gets a little hairy as I remind him that daddy is away at school but will be home soon. I hope this will taper off in a week or so as he gets used to the routine again with just me. Sneaking to Florida has helped as my dad is helping with lots of snuggles for Pres. This means that either myself or my dad has Pres nipping at our heels all day long. As for myself, it sucks being 9 months preggo (tomorrow!)without the hubby.

Chrissy and Asher are coming to visit!!!!!! I am so excited! For the last 10 days that Pete is gone my BFF is going to come and be with me! Woo-hoo!!!!! If I can't have Pete with me then Chrissy is the only person that can come close 2nd(sorry Chrissy...I think Pete is cuter or you'd probably be my number 1!) I also get to meet that beautiful baby boy of hers and I CAN NOT WAIT! She will come and boss me and make me rest and that is why I love her! Not too many people have the balls to put me in my place but Chrissy is one of them!

Please pray for a family member. They are not doing well and it looks as if they won't be with us for much longer.

Last and certainly not least, Ashlyn is coming soon! I can't wait to meet her and I also can't wait to not be pregnant! I look forward to the days when I have two beautiful children, normal size hands, feet, and face and no more porn star boobs...oh and a heart that beats like a normal persons!


chrissy said...

You should "sneek" to Arizona in a couple of months!! I am looking forward to our visit as well. Don't worry about Pete being first, I would agree that he is cuter than me:D I am also looking forward to bossing you around...except you got things backwards, I am going to rest while you cook for me!

Keitha said...

Take care of yourself and enjoy your visitors!

April Elizabeth said...

HA! Okay...I'll cook but that means you have to do dishes! I will have to sneak to AZ. These guys of ours need to meet the kiddos before we have too many to travel with back and forth alone!

Jackie in Denver, :D said...

how can you be normal??

April Elizabeth said...

Jackie:a normal heart rate varies but is typically under 100. For me pregnant, I run about 150-160 without the meds and about 120-130 with them. Once the baby is born I will be around 70 BPM (beats per minute) which is considered healthy!