My baby boy is 10 months old! I can't believe how fast time is going by. Each and every week brings huge milestones. Pete and I find oursleves watching him achieve a new goal and are completely amazed! Last night I was finally getting around to putting his baby pictures in order on the computer. Looking back at those taken the first few weeks, it's hard to believe that is the same little boy. He still has the same perfect skin, big blue eyes and chubby cheeks; but in place of the blob, is an imerging toddler! !
He now has permanent scratches and bruises on his knees from crawling around outside and pulling the cats tails; his tongue can usually be seen sticking out of the corner of his mouth as he "la, la, la" (daddy has the Elmo song wrong and say "lalalala Elmo's world); he is talking up a storm and loves nothing more than to see a picture of a word he knows and pronounce the word over and over again. He says "moo" anytime he sees a cow and I know for awhile he will not say the word cow because it's much more fun to "moooooooooo" at the top of your lungs! He will sit in his chair and do the motions to "If Your Happy and You Know It". It is so sweet to watch him stomp his chubby dimpled, little feet; then pause and grab your feet to make them stomp.
Pres has found the bathroom in a whole new way and loves nothing more than to unroll a whole roll of toilet paper, rip it into pieces, and then throw them around the bathroom floor. If he has no access to to toilet paper (which is a lot now that we put it up), he will then settle for playing in the toilet. This is so gross to me, but I can't keep him out. He has learned to lift up the toilet lid. I've thought about putting a lock on the toilet, but if Pete does as well with that child lock as he does with the one blocking the kitchen trash, then I will have a lot of pee on my floor! Last but certainly not least, if the toilet paper and the toilet are all blocked, then he will just move on the the cottonelle wipes! He'll pop open the container and pull them out one by one, ripping them to pieces in the process. Needless to say, any quiet in my house means that I will soon have a HUGE mess to clean up!

He is starting to get very good at feeding himself. Spaghetti is still his favorite, but he is enjoying mommy and daddy's french bread and brie! Talk about some expensive tastes!!!! He is finally sleep trained. I didn't think it would ever happen. He has just refused to go with it. The longest night we had, he cried for 4 straight hours!!!! Goodness. Stubborn to a fault that one is-I wonder where he gets it...
He is now more iterested in the slide than the swing and will go down over and over again. This is not a development that brings too much joy to Pete and I. We fight over who has to go down the slide with him. Yuck. It's dirty, too much static electricity, dirty, small, and did I mention dirty?!
He loves ice pops (that's right, we give him ice pops, another parenting no-no silly notion I had before having a little one). He sill sit and share one with us in the eveing. This week, he figured how to suck out all of the melted juice. He was so pleased with himself.

It's hot here and they are refreshing. As a HUGE bonus, he'll chew on the ice and it helps his gums. As far as I am concerned, these are a godsend!!!!!
I'm sure I'm forgetting lots, but I'll write more when I get the great pics from Dick of Pres playing with his new favorite toy-his train set!