This Friday, Pres and I went to visit Pete at work. We do that about once a month to surprise Pete and Pres loves to see Pete during the day. We always have to say hello to the bosses and this time was no exception. Pres has been sticking pretty close to me the past week and he wasn't too keen on being around all of these strangers cooing at him. He wanted out of Pete's arms and into mine. His sweet boss made the comment that I must be Pres' "comfort zone". His words struck a chord with me and I began to think about that. I
am Pres' comfort zone-if he's sad, hurt, mad, or scared; he insists (loudly most times) to be in my arms. It also got me thinking about my "comfort zone". I would have to say that growing up, being with my mom was always the place where I felt safe (still do for that matter). So...for Mother's Day, I would like to thank all of the wonderful walking "comfort zones" that I have the pleasure of learning from:
Aunt Angela
Next year I'll be able to add Chrissy to that list! I hope you all had a wonderful day!

Pres and his "comfort zone" all dressed up for our Mother's Day dinner at Lynne's.