We are finally retiring Pres' swing. He went from vehemently hating it, to it being the only place he would sleep during his 5th month, to it being his video chair. He's been too big for it for awhile now, but we've been holding off switching it out because it means that we can't strap him in to watch his video anymore. This means no more Preston free morning showers, but it's worth it to see him sitting in his new Elmo chair. That's right...we broke down yesterday and bought him an Elmo chair. He was so cute at the store. He had to sit in it in the cart; so there was Pres sitting in the basket, in his Elmo chair, like he was king of the world! It was really cute! We tried out the Elmo chair this morning, and it went really well. He sat in it for his entire video and gave me time to clean the floors. I was quite impressed. He's not a baby anymore. He's becoming a toddler at lightening speed. Sad for mommy, but exciting for Pres.
He's so cute April! I would talk about him all the time too!
He's too sweet! I remember all of those BSF mornings hearing your update as you walked in! To pray for him and then to see him safe and sound is such a blessing!
He's so cute April! I would talk about him all the time too!
He's too sweet! I remember all of those BSF mornings hearing your update as you walked in! To pray for him and then to see him safe and sound is such a blessing!
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