January brought Pres at 6 months and crawling all over the place! It also brought in two bottom teeth...OUCH! Pete turned another year older and put his 20's well behind him by turning 31.

February made me another year older at 28 and was a calm month full of family fun!

March began our first step toward heading to Alabama. We renovated the kitchen to make it more appealing. This took a little longer than expected as it went into April, but it was well worth the effort! Pres was beginning to get into everything and his strong willed personality was coming out full force over the battle of the TV doors. Eventually we took the doors off and admitted defeat!

This was my best month. Pres just blossomed and was so much fun. Gramma and Grampa Blanchard visited us this month as well. We also made a lot of head way in the kitchen renovations.

This was my first Mother's Day with Pres and we had a great time celebrating with my mom and sister while daddy was having a boys weekend in Vegas. This was also the month that Pres discovered the fun of the toilet and I learned to pick my battles (in other words, he can play away in the toilet because I have bigger "no's" to say to him!)

June was a big development month for Pres. He celebrated his first b-day, began to walk which opened up a whole new world of things to make messes with. I got to see my FF gals in St. Louis for Chrissy's first baby shower and Pres and daddy were alone together for the first time. His obsession with books was also in full force and I read "Hickory Dickory Dock" and The Itsy Bitsy Spider" more times than I like to think about!
We had our first family trip this month to Disney World and had a wonderful time celebrating Pres' 1st birthday at the Shades of Green Resort!

July was a busy month. Pete and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary and I went to Canada with Chrissy for her second baby shower. Chrissy came and Pres was able to meet his Aunt Chrissy for the first time. Jen and Greg also came to visit, meet Pres, and fill us in on their beautiful wedding that we missed due to lack of babysitter :( Pres continued to leave behind his babyhood and was well on his way to being a toddler. We also had the big water leak of 08 in the Villas and Pres found a new best friend...Grandpa Mike!

This was our big bumps and bruises month. Pres decided he wasn't content to just walk and would run everywhere. This led to so many nasty bumps and cuts that I didn't think I he would come out of this month unscared (he did, but only by the grace of God).
We took our second Disney trip this month and took the plunge to get year passes!

This was a scary month as well. Pres got sick for the very first time and it was a doozy. He had a fever of 104 and 105 for three straight days and even the Motrin could not keep it down. There were doctor visits and some scary nights but eventually his fever came down and we were brutally introduced to the childhood disease of Roseola.
The offical Alabama move countdown began this month as well and I stressed for the whole month about moving to a new place and then being left alone.

October we enjoyed the Food and Wine Festival at Disney. We had a great time at the Winter Park Fall Festival with Grandma and Grandpa Crotty, Dyer, and Beanie. We also had a trip up to Fort Rucker and found our house. As if that trip wasn't big enough, we finally decided to let the world know that we were expecting baby #2!

November brought our big move and Pete's departure. THe first few weeks here in Alabama were tough but things are slowly getting better (much in part to the awesome people I am meeting...Alabama itself still sucks!)
Pete also left for WOC school and we began our new time in a new place without him.

December has brought lots of wonderful new friends into our lives and Pete was able to come home and spend it with us! I am sad to see him go on Friday, but am looking forward to the new year and all that it will bring!