I had my doc appointments here this past week and all went well. My cardiologist doubled my medication. I'm not too happy by this, but it was what I expected with some of the problems breathing I had been having.
I saw the high risk OB and everything with the baby is perfect!!!! The new Bean was all snuggled up not wanting to wake up for us. The Bean did (after much prompting from the tech who nearly made me wet myself in her enthusiasm for getting the baby to move) give us a little wave. The stubborn Bean would not uncross its legs to let us tell if I should buy pink or blue. The first week in January I have another ultrasound so hopefully we will be able to tell then. If not, I am going to be dying with anticipation. Here's some pics from the ultrasound this week. If you notice you can only see one leg because the other leg is tightly crossed behind it.

Preston has had a lot of changes the past two weeks. He is talking up a storm and is starting to put three and four words together. This morning he looked at my parent's Christmas tree and said "I like it". It sounded more like "I ike wit." but it was cute none the less. My parent's have their tree on a remote control and Pres figured out how to turn the tree on and off. This occupies him for quite some time and I let him do it becuase it distracts him from taking the ornaments off of the tree!
As for a Pete update, he is doing well at Warrant Officer School. He's passed his PT test and his first school test. He emailed me yesterday that he was, "losing weight but still had his mind!" I hope to be able to talk to him on Sunday. He is expecting to meet me at the church on post (we can go to church together) but I will still be here because of Pres' ear infection. Hopefully he doesn't think we forgot about him!
I hope your little guy feels better soon! Thank you for sharing the ultrasound pics. I could actually tell that was a hand and an arm!
I love ultrasound pics, they are just so amazing! I hope Prestons ear infection clears up for ya. I love how they talk when they are little. Send me a video!
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