Monday, September 22, 2008

Toddler Fun

Our nap time wake up routine is as follows...I open his door and am greeted with either a grump (if it wasn't long enough nap) or a big grin. He then wants to be picked up, head to the kitchen and get some juice. Once he has his juice cup, he lays about on the couch drinking it for a bit. Once he's done, he tosses the juice cup, gives a big stretch, and then begins to run to his toys.

Today he wanted to go and play outside. I needed to weed, so it was the perfect thing to do. He played in the sprinkler and had a blast "helping" me water the plants- for some reason the front door needed to be watered today!

Who knew you could have so much fun with a $2.99 sprinkler from Home Depot!


Anonymous said...

Those chubby little legs are so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Oh my....look at his chubbiness! He is so totally kissable!!

benjity said...

You took so many pics! did you get any weeding done?
Thanks for the advice and encouragement! My mom-in-law was really great and today was MUCH better. I'm really struggling though with trying to control my food completely again. Why does the freedom come and go?
Dinner was easy and fun tonight. I even changed my 'plans' from when I got home from work b.c Patrick wanted to work on decorating the house together. It got late, but we had fun!
Love you sooo dearly!!
Thanks for being His voice to me so often!

April Elizabeth said...

Only you my dear, sweet Abs would wonder if I got any weeding done!!!! I did, all of it and two new flower bushes planted. Love you two my friend!!!

Anonymous said...

he is so cute! i love the crocs!

Katie said...

So cute!! This brings back such sweet memories of when it was just Evan and me. :) He was naked and wet in the yard a lot those days because he loved it!

Preston is so cute- he's filling out and I bet oh-so-kissable!