His favorite fruits right now are apples and bananas.

I keep a bowl on the counter that has fruit in it. Pres has taken to walking in the kitchen and pointing up towards the bowl. If he wants a banana, he'll say "Na-NAAAN-Na". It is really one of the cutest things. I will always repeat the word back to him correctly, and he gives me this tolerant grin that seems to tell me: "Duh mom, that's what I just said!."
He is talking up a storm and will phonetically pronounce certain words. We'll say words to him like truck as "t, t, t, T-ruck, k, k" So now he will either say "t, t, truck" or truck, k, k"! It's all very cute and Pete and I have been joking that we should go a little easier on the pronunciation! He's only 14 months old and he'll get it as long as we don't speak back to him in baby talk.
Here's a pic of my little talker as he is being naughty with daddy's stapler. I love this, "what, I'm not doing anything wrong" look!

Here are some (I'm bound to forget as he is firing them off lately) of his new words-mainly the ones that he's super cute about:
tight (this is my favorite right now, it comes from his finger book and he will bunch his hands in a fist and grunt "tiiiiiiiight"
banana (nanana)
train (this comes from his OBSESSION with Thomas the Tank Engine)
His favorite game right now is chase. He wants you to run after him and scoop him up, then immediately put him down and repeat. This is his favorite, we get out of the car and he runs to a neighbor's doorway!

This game is fun at home, but not so much in public. Yesterday at Walgreen's he took off out the door as I was paying. I think the old lady checking me out almost had a heart attack as I continued to pay. (He won't keep running unless I am chasing.) I told her this, but she gave me a look like I must be some negligent mother. I always want to tell these people that give you looks, that I have a strong willed child. I must choose my battles carefully because some days EVERYTHING is a battle. I can't do that so I simply must smile and quickly grab my child before he gets too far.
Now onto the Algebra. In my attempt to work on a whole different degree, I was given some bad news transcript wise. For my new degree, College Math and Trig, and did I mention the TWO Statistics classes I've taken, do not count. (WHAT!!!!) Seriously. Here I am having to take Algebra 1 & 2. It's been so many years since I've had to do this math that I am lost a little! I somewhat snootily informed my professor that as an adult, I am WELL aware that I do not need this class to work with clients. He then, in the same tone, reminded me that however true that is, in order to get the DEGREE to treat the clients, I must take these classes! Touche and score one for the boring math professor! Did I mention I think I'm going to really like this prof?!! Other than this little hitch, things are going very well. In 18 months, I will have my Master's in Psychology and be able to work with people. I am focusing on military families and post traumatic stress syndrome (shocker...I know) and am really looking forward to being able to take my personal experience and knowledge to make a difference. Keep me in your prayers as the work is getting harder, I am doing accelerated classes, and we are about to have a whole new life in 4 months!
1 comment:
That apple is funny looking, I won't tell you what I first thought when I saw it! Preston has the prettiest eyes!!!!!!!
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