Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A final verdict...

...it's roseola. His rash didn't spread to his legs as it would have with measles. Now we just have to wait it out. He's contagious now, so we are having to lay low for the next few days. The good news is that Pres is on the mend. He has been sleeping like he's never slept before lately! Today he took two 2 hours naps!!!!! He's already rubbing his eyes again, so it looks like it will be early to bed tonight. He's still not really eating, and it is starting to make me nervous. I am offering him whatever I can to get him to eat...seriously today I made cinnamon rolls to tempt him and he wouldn't touch them. At least he is still drinking fluids. We are adding formula to his milk so that he can get some nutrients.

That's about all from the Dean household today, I hope you all are having a great start to the week (despite the rain!)


Katie said...

Aww, poor babe. Well, I hope you are getting a lot done while he naps! :)

Anonymous said...

Poor little guy! Judging by the hat post, it looks like he is doing better. Is he?

April Elizabeth said...

He is dong much better! We still have congestion, so he's not sleep too well, but in all he is much better than he was in the beginning. Hopefully the rash will go away soon.