We have two places in our house that we keep hats...or should I say, I have ONE designated place, and Pete insists on putting them in the doorway.

We can't walk by either one of those places without have to let Pres grab a hat off. He then puts it on, and runs to a mirror to see it on himself. Once he's oohed and aahed over himself for a sufficient amount of time, he then wants to put the hat on and off of your head-over and over and over and over...did I mention over and over again?!
I caught some sweet pics of Pete and Pres having fun with the hats. These are Pete with the hats.

Here's some fun mirror time with them and the hats...Pres conned Daddy into carrying him in front of a mirror and putting on silly hats! Notice the look on his face as he is checking himself out in the mirror-it's too funny the appreciation you can see in his eyes!

He wants to be like his daddy! What a little ham!
Oh, I feel your hat pain- I have the same problem with a certain Mister's wallet, keys and HATS, yes.
He is a little ham Jewels!
LOL Katie! Pres is into wallets and keys too...his newest is to hide them in places. NOT a fun new trick! I still can't find my sunglasses!
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