Monday, August 4, 2008

Skinned knees and bruises

As I've mentioned before, Pres doesn't walk...he runs...and then usually falls-very, very hard. He's fallen and bumped his head so many times the past few days, all of the scratches and bumps are starting to blend together. If you didn't know any better you would think Pete and I never watched him...well we do watch him-we watched him fall running down the sidewalk, we watched him fall running to get the hose and bump the side of his head on the patio chair, we watched him fall running into the pool, and lastly we watched him as he poked the side of his leg with a stick. You see, we do watch. I have no idea how to slow him down. He just G-O-E-S!!! Here are some pictures from today of all of his boo-boos!


Anonymous said...

Hey, April.
I want to talk to you. IS any chance of u getting online @ night. I have some news for you. I am working during during the day is why I ask.

Anonymous said...

Poor baby! Get ready for more. There will be broken bones, concussions, and all kinds of scary things. BOYS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Poor little guy! I had to chuckle though when you said, "we watched him do this and we watched him do that..."

Katie said...

aww, I can't get it to load! I'll try again later, i guess... :(

Anonymous said...

One day we will be comparing our sons bruises and scratches!! You'll have to share boo boo tips with me. I like your story about Pete on my blog. That truly shows what a great man he really is!!