We received this flyer the other day in Pete's military email, and it is starting to make it all seem so close!

I've started the application process to live on post (we do not want to buy out there and there isn't too much available to rent). The people there have been very helpful and have given me some very good information as the reserves tend to drag their feet on making sure the soldiers have their orders in advance.
We will be there for 18 months and who knows what will happen after that. I have found a wonderful preschool for Pres (on the recommendation of some ladies who are out there...gotta love the Army info line aka the wives!) so that he can make friends and I will have time to devote to the business and school myself while Pete is busy with school.
Please join us in prayer for this life changing move! We want everything here in Florida to be settled before we move.
Wow, I hope you like Alabama! I have never been there so I can't tell you what it's like.
Congrats to your hubby on flight school! That is so awesome!
For your sake, I hope getting your orders and getting a house on base are not a case of "Hurry Up and Wait" (you know, the good ol' military motto)!
Trav and I miss his days in the Air Force. But I have to say, I think we have it better now as civilians. He travels more with the Dept of Defense than he did in the military though!
Can't wait to hear more posts about your upcoming move!
Good luck with the move, though I wish you guys were moving here though, :(.
Hope you guys love this new adventure in your lives.
Oh, how exciting!!
Finally it happening! I am excited for you!
April, when will you be leaving, I am looking at coming down in the middle of January, and would love for you to meet up with Caleb and I at Disney. I saw that you had a year pass, and I have not taken Caleb yet, and want to do so while he is still free. I am looking at beingthere possibly 1/13-1/27. Let me know if you will still be there then. Talk to you soon. Tammy
Well you will be closer now! Only what, 20 hours away? I'm so excited for you guys to start this new part of your lives.
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