Pres has been cooped up inside for a few days and is going stir crazy. Little boys need to RUN and RUN some more. Today there was no thunder or lightening, so I decided to just let him go...he hesitated at first, but then he went and didn't look back!
He was so excited when I opened the door, he gave me this look as if to say, "Are you serious?!"
It didn't take him long to find a if the downpour wasn't going to get him wet enough, he had to play in the one puddle!
Look Mom, I'm all wet!
He was spinning around and clapping his hands!
Time to come in! The rain was coming down harder and he wasn't too fond of that!
What a cutie!! "'Singin' in the rain!" Thanks for always commenting and encouraging me! Congrats on flight school too!! Try to avoid picking up an Alabama accent!(:
Ok, what is your son wearing??? I don't Ryan is going to allow him to wear that in our house!! LoL! Sounds like it was a fun day for you both. Can't wait to see you in 4 months!
Chrissy-Is it really 4 months till I get to meet that beautiful baby boy?! I can't wait to spend Christmas together with our boys!!!!!!! All 4 of them!!!! Yikes!
What a cutie!! "'Singin' in the rain!"
Thanks for always commenting and encouraging me!
Congrats on flight school too!! Try to avoid picking up an Alabama accent!(:
LOL Abs! I think if I could avoid the terrible one from Fayetteville, then I'm safe! Love you!!!!
That's so sweet that he was spinning and clapping, I can picture it. Too cute!
Thanks! Where are yall now? Obviously somewhere getting some rain lol It just hit us last night.
Ok, what is your son wearing??? I don't Ryan is going to allow him to wear that in our house!! LoL! Sounds like it was a fun day for you both. Can't wait to see you in 4 months!
Chrissy-Is it really 4 months till I get to meet that beautiful baby boy?! I can't wait to spend Christmas together with our boys!!!!!!! All 4 of them!!!! Yikes!
Things like this can make memories for forever!
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