Monday, August 25, 2008

MGM...oh wait it's Hollywood Studios a bust!

We spent a VERY boring Sunday at Hollywood Studios out at Disney. I thought it would be fun, but it was SUPER boring. I've come to the conclusion that you have to be 1. a Star Wars geek or 2. a movie geek in order to enjoy this park. I do not fall into any of those categories, so it was a bust for me. My nerdy Star Wars fan hubby was into it, but Y-A-W-N. It's also not the best place to take the kiddies. Pres was terrified at all of the loud noises and dark rides, so it's a definite thumbs down for family fun. Epcot, Magic Kingdom, and Animal Kingdom are much, much, did I mention much better!!!!

Pres did have a good time at the Toy Story arcade. He walked right in and ran to the dance machine, climbed on and began to dance! It was hilarious because Pete and I are looking at each other like, "did you show him this?!" He bopped up and down and clapped is hands for the whole world to see. I have a video, but it is dark. Hopefully you can see a little!


Anonymous said...

Who showed him his moves...I know it wasn't you April!

April Elizabeth said...

LOL was Pete, but I think that's actually worse!